Tool Box Talk – a healthy and thriving workplace in the warehousing, transport, and logistics industry.

Last month, we officially launched our partnership with Healthy Heads in Trucks & Sheds (HHT&S) at the Costa site in Derrimut, VIC. Our lucky attendees participated in a Tool Box Talk, where HHT&S CEO Naomi Frauenfelder introduced the foundation and its mission to create a healthy and thriving workplace in the warehousing, transport, and logistics industry.

Naomi spoke about the three key objectives of Healthy Heads in Trucks & Sheds. Firstly, the foundation aims to improve physical and mental health across the industry through education. Participants learned about the importance of factors like diet, sleep, exercise, and stress management for overall wellbeing. Secondly, HHT&S is actively training individuals on the ground in mental health, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to identify and support those who may need assistance. We were then introduced to workers who have received the training and learned about the positive impact of the program.

The Tool Box Talk also discussed the ongoing work of Healthy Heads in Trucks & Sheds in their mission to evolve industry standards and reduce stress. By taking a look at work behaviours and job demands, the foundation aims to create a healthier and more productive work environment. The statistics presented during the talk emphasised the need for such initiatives, focusing on the importance of addressing both physical and mental health concerns in the industry.

The launch event was joined by Lendlease Investment Managers Geoff Atkinson and Dominic Ambriano, along with Ali Webb from the Lendlease Customer team. This is a partnership we’re really proud of, and we wanted to have all hands on deck for the launch. The JLL team, including Jessica Paterson, Marie Anagnostis, and Rose Cidoni, also attended the event in full support.

Attendees took home HHT&S caps and water bottles as a token of appreciation for their presence. Following the Tool Box Talk, a healthy morning tea led the way for workers to socialise and network, all while enjoying nutritious refreshments.

Want to know more about Healthy Heads in Trucks & Sheds? They have tonnes of online resources, including their Learning Hub and online training modules, available for free on their website. Let’s work together to drive positive change and prioritise our mental and physical health in the workplace.

A virtual Launch session is being organised for all our tenant partner organisations on Wednesday, 15/11/2023 at 12:15PM. Look out for the Meeting Invite that will be shared shortly.