Lendlease together with our customer AUOD achieved the highest energy rating for an existing industrial building in Australia.

In February 2024, we achieved the first 5.5-star NABERS Energy rating in Australia for a 7,600 sqm industrial building located in Villawood NSW. This is the highest rating achieved so far on an industrial asset in the Australian property sector.

The NABERS Energy for Warehouses and Cold stores assessment and rating tool was launched in September 2022, and 24 assessments have been completed across the Australian property sector so far. The tool rates the energy efficiency of warehouses, cold stores, and combined facilities. This rating marks a significant leap forward in energy efficiency and benchmarking within the industry​.

We are supporting our industrial tenants to participate in NABERS Energy assessments, to foster a culture of sustainability, raising awareness and collaboration. Our customer, AUOD, in Villawood NSW, embraced the opportunity to assess the energy efficiency of their tenancy and our asset. Joe Zhou the owner at AUOD mentioned that “the requests were easy to respond to. We simply provided our energy bills and some operational information, such as the number of staff and operating hours”. Joe also said “We have a standard warehouse and avoid high energy-usage equipment. We also take proactive steps to switch off air conditioning in unoccupied office spaces and other areas. Our building also has rooftop solar panels and LED lights. We also make the most of the natural daylight from our skylights instead of using our highbay lighting.’”

The NABERS Energy assessment helps Lendlease understand the energy efficiency of our industrial buildings while also understanding opportunities to improve energy performance and reduce costs. It supports our mission to reduce our scope 3 customer electricity emissions and adds value for our tenants by empowering them to understand their energy usage.

First things first, an emergency plan is basically your warehouse’s blueprint for keeping everyone safe when unexpected situations arise. Whether it’s a fire, a chemical spill, or extreme weather, having a clear, accessible plan ensures that everyone knows exactly what to do and where to go — no guesswork involved.

The heart of your plan includes detailed emergency procedures, such as effective responses, evacuation routes, and immediate communication with emergency services. Think of it as your playbook during crunch time, designed to execute a perfect game plan smoothly.

But what makes a great emergency plan stand out is its customisation to your specific environment. This isn’t a one-size-fits-all situation. Consider the unique aspects of your workplace: the layout, the hazards present, and the number of people on site. Your plan should be as unique as your operation, ensuring all bases are covered.

Training and drills are the secret sauce to ensuring your plan works in real life. Just like a well-oiled machine, your team needs to know their roles and responsibilities inside out. Regular drills keep everyone sharp and ready to act, ensuring that when the time comes, everyone on site knows what to do during an emergency.

And don’t forget about collaboration. If you share your space with other businesses, think of it as being part of a community safety net. Working together ensures everyone’s prepared, making your industrial park a safer place for all.

Creating an emergency plan for your warehouse is about more than just compliance—it’s about building a culture of safety and preparedness. With a well-thought-out plan, regular training, and collaboration, you’re not just protecting your workforce; you’re ensuring that your operations can continue as smoothly and safely as possible, no matter what comes your way. So, roll up your sleeves, gather your team, and start drafting your master plan for safety. Check out this guide from Safe Work Australia to get you started.

We take the mental health and wellbeing of workers seriously, so we’ve teamed up with Healthy Heads in Trucks & Sheds (HHT&S) to make sure you have the tools you need.

Story by Narelle:
“I was walking through the warehouse where I’ve worked for the last three years. It was the end of my shift and I was on my way out to the back office to collect my belongings before driving home.

Suddenly I found myself frozen in time. I couldn’t move. I felt detached from my body. I couldn’t feel my legs and was convinced I couldn’t take another step forward. My eyes welled up, my heart raced, and I thought I was about to faint or even die. I didn’t know it at the time, but this was my first panic attack.

The above extract was taken from Seven stories. Seven strategies. The Healthy Heads Roadmap Planner. Throughout the planner, HHT&S shares representations of real-life experiences from the warehousing and logistics industries. The stories are followed by insightful information about why the story matters, plus practical self-check steps. You can read the rest of Narelle’s story, and six others, by clicking through to Seven stories. Seven strategies. The Healthy Heads Roadmap Planner here.

Want to share the message a little wider?

Download these helpful posters, designed to bring focus to mental health and wellbeing at work. Whether it’s a simple reminder to take a breath, or information about finding 24-hour help and support, the posters have been designed to help workers tackle the hard conversations.

Last month, we officially launched our partnership with Healthy Heads in Trucks & Sheds (HHT&S) at the Costa site in Derrimut, VIC. Our lucky attendees participated in a Tool Box Talk, where HHT&S CEO Naomi Frauenfelder introduced the foundation and its mission to create a healthy and thriving workplace in the warehousing, transport, and logistics industry.

Naomi spoke about the three key objectives of Healthy Heads in Trucks & Sheds. Firstly, the foundation aims to improve physical and mental health across the industry through education. Participants learned about the importance of factors like diet, sleep, exercise, and stress management for overall wellbeing. Secondly, HHT&S is actively training individuals on the ground in mental health, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to identify and support those who may need assistance. We were then introduced to workers who have received the training and learned about the positive impact of the program.

The Tool Box Talk also discussed the ongoing work of Healthy Heads in Trucks & Sheds in their mission to evolve industry standards and reduce stress. By taking a look at work behaviours and job demands, the foundation aims to create a healthier and more productive work environment. The statistics presented during the talk emphasised the need for such initiatives, focusing on the importance of addressing both physical and mental health concerns in the industry.

The launch event was joined by Lendlease Investment Managers Geoff Atkinson and Dominic Ambriano, along with Ali Webb from the Lendlease Customer team. This is a partnership we’re really proud of, and we wanted to have all hands on deck for the launch. The JLL team, including Jessica Paterson, Marie Anagnostis, and Rose Cidoni, also attended the event in full support.

Attendees took home HHT&S caps and water bottles as a token of appreciation for their presence. Following the Tool Box Talk, a healthy morning tea led the way for workers to socialise and network, all while enjoying nutritious refreshments.

Want to know more about Healthy Heads in Trucks & Sheds? They have tonnes of online resources, including their Learning Hub and online training modules, available for free on their website. Let’s work together to drive positive change and prioritise our mental and physical health in the workplace.

A virtual Launch session is being organised for all our tenant partner organisations on Wednesday, 15/11/2023 at 12:15PM. Look out for the Meeting Invite that will be shared shortly.

Sustainability is something we’re extremely passionate about across our sites. In fact, last year we were ranked second for Asia Pacific in the 2022 GRESB Real Estate Assessment. And, in 2023, APPF Industrial achieved a score of 81% and a 3-star GRESB level of certification. So, how did we do it? One of the ways we’re working towards our sustainability goals is through the rollout of solar power.

We teamed up with Solar Bay to install solar panels onto the roofs of eight sites across New South Wales and Victoria. The results (so far!) are pretty exciting. Our completed projects total a 1,995,500kWh offset, which equals 1660 tonnes of CO2  taking 322 cars off the road.

One of our favourite uses of the solar panels features on the roof of our tenant partner, MCML, who manage the warehousing and distribution for Aussie brand and Certified B Corporation, Who Gives A Crap. Using solar panels, MCML has spelled ‘We Give A Crap!!’ onto their roof.

The panels are enough to cover the electricity usage of their Melbourne warehouse – how cool is that? In the first month, Who Gives A Crap saw electricity cost savings of around 24%. And, they’ll avoid producing 112 tonnes of carbon emissions each year.

Interested in talking about solar for your roof? Have a chat with your tenant partner today.

You don’t need us to tell you that the road transport and logistics industries can come with a fair amount of stress. There are the hours, workplace isolation, and the physical toll on your body… plus the pressure to stay continually alert, meet schedules, and think on your feet.

But did you know that 48% of workers have had a mental health condition in the past 12 months? Or that 40% of drivers experience loneliness? And, a whopping 70% of drivers don’t meet health and balanced diet guidelines?

That’s why we’ve teamed up with the Healthy Heads in Trucks & Sheds Foundation to bring you a series of mental health and wellbeing strategies. The foundation’s aim is to create environments that feel psychologically safe and healthy, making resources available across the entire industry.

With every newsletter, you’ll learn more about how you can prioritise your health and beat the statistics. But you don’t need to wait for us to get started. Sign up for free today and access their Guidelines for Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategies, Workforce Handbook, People Leader Handbook, Toolbox Talks, Webinars, and more.

On the go? Download the Healthy Heads App on the App Store or Google Play today.